Too Late
To Start
Living Well
Do you want more ENERGY, a balanced, even-keel MOOD, good BLOOD SUGAR control or balanced HORMONES?
Do you want to AGE - the healthiest way you can, balance premenopausal or premenstrual HORMONES, have better DIGESTION (feel less gassy, bloated, gross after you eat), be more ‘regular’?
Do you want a more healthy relationship with FOOD and with EATING?
Do you just want to FEEL BETTER?
My name is Tara Taylor, Holistic Nutrition Practitioner and Live Cell Microscopist at Restored Vitality.
Let me help you feel your best!
Areas of Focus
Healthy Aging
Do you want to support brain health, and have good blood sugar control, balanced hormones, good gut health and strong , healthy bones?
Is a healthy heart and good blood pressure important to you?
Do you want to enjoy increased energy and a strong immune system as you age?
***The information presented on Restoredvitality.ca is for educational purposes only. Restored Vitality does not diagnose or treat disease, rather work to improve your nutrition and support any weaknesses or systems out of balance***